EU Trans Reg ID: 221589017973-83

European Alliance for Vision Research & Ophthalmology

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World Diabetes Day – Preventing Sight Loss in an Ageing Population

A breakfast event hosted by Marian Harkin MEP and Heinz Becker MEP and moderated by Ian Banks, Chair of EFAB was held in the restaurant of the European Parliament in conjunction with World Diabetes Day on Tuesday 15 November 2016. A panel of experts from across the eye health field discussed how sight loss can […]

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European Parliament Event

‘Facts, Fiction and Myopic Myths‘ A dinner-quiz to better understand the facts and fiction behind healthy eyes and better sight. The event marked also the publication of the updated Your Eyes  manual. Hosted by: Marian Harkin MEP Wednesday 20th April 2016 – 18:45 – 20:45 European Parliament Members Restaurant, Altiero Spinelli building (ASP). Brussels.

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World Sight Day

On the 13th October 2016, we teamed up with European Forum Against Blindness (EFAB) and the European Coalition for Vision (ECV) to raise awareness about preventable sight loss. Collectively we spread a simple message across social media leveraging the #WorldSightDay – ‘We need to talk about eyes!’ By printing posters with custom or pre-printed messages […]

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EU-EYE launched as nine European Subspecialty Ophthalmology Societies join forces

Arthur Cummings | EuroTimes | September 11, 2015 Nine European subspecialty ophthalmology societies have decided to join forces in order to raise political and public awareness of ophthalmology and secure increased funding for vision research. EU-EYE, as the new organisation is to be known, was officially launched during the XXXIII Congress of the ESCRS in […]

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EU Transparency Register ID 221589017973-83

Demonstrating our commitment to transparency

The Register of Interest Representatives is part of the European Transparency Initiative of the European Commission.
It aims to inform citizens about which interest group or organisation is lobbying the European institutions
and the amount of resources being used to this end.